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Re-introducing Timeline


Re-introducing Timeline

Although it hasn’t received the same pomp and circumstance as new News Feed, Facebook has announced another upcoming change to your experience: Timeline changes are on the way.

There has buzzing for a while with a new, cleaner layout for Timeline with screenshots from accounts in New Zealand showing up as leaks on tech blogs for a number of weeks. Even though the first rollout of Timeline may not have been received in the manner for which Facebook was hoping, the new changes are positioned in the same vein as the changes to News Feed: as A place for things you care about.

A is for App…

The expression of that which is important to you is largely attributed to further, more prominent app integration on your personal page. Now adding content from app such as Pinterest, Instagram, Fab, Netflix or Goodreads is easily trackable, organized and in your reach.

Facebook Instagram Activity

There are even options being rolled out to add items from your friends feed to your own app organization. For example, if you saw that your friend read a book recently that you also are interested in, you can add it to your Goodreads section with ease:

Goodreads call out

App promotion has become more and more important to Facebook lately so this change seemed inevitable.

So, how is the new layout?

Interestingly enough, the new Facebook layout is, to some extent, similar to the old one – only more visual and with a cover photo and Timeline’s functionality.

New Facebook Timeline

When the change takes place on your page, you will notice that the about section has returned to the upper most left-hand position on the page below your picture. A quick rundown of personal facts: employment; education; where you live; where you’re from and now followers/fans is, once again, back in its old location. A sample of your friends and their thumbnails are housed below the your about section and above a sampling of your Facebook photos. Your app activity is also now on the left side of your page for consistency and so that you (or until they change things) know generally where it is.

But here’s the catch, the new version of Timeline makes this column customizable. If you would rather have your most recent photos from Instagram on the top, do it. Facebook has said that they want users to have more control over the look of their own Timeline. Simply use your Collection Manager and pick your order. It’s not quite MySpace, but that got too out of hand back in the days…

You will also notice that your status updates and posts are now always in the right-hand, larger column. The sizing mimics the new sizing in new News Feed which reinforces Facebook’s push towards a more visual interface and less clutter.

So, will this change please people with reminiscences of the great wall? Will users go crazy over this change? Will anyone notice? Will Batman get out of the evil clutches of the Joker’s plan? Let us know in the comment section.

Images courtesy of Facebook

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